Global Offshore Technology Conference, Nicosia, 28-29 April 2014

Global Offshore Technology (GOT) is taking place on 28-29 April 2014 at the Hilton Park, Nicosia, Cyprus. The event has now secured Ministerial representation from Cyprus, Montenegro, Malta and Croatia. GOT is the only conference and exhibition in Cyprus to feature Ministerial representation from across the region as well as offering a high profile speaker line up of regional and international private sector experts. The 2-day Conference and Exhibition will focus on the recent licensing rounds and awarded contracts throughout the Mediterranean region.  The technical forum exhibition will give companies the opportunity to showcase their latest products and services needed across the region.

The key note opening speech will be given by Mr Giorgos Lakkotrypis, Minister of Energy, commerce, Industry and Tourism, Cyprus and the speaking panel will feature high profile government and private sector experts from the region and internationally.

Ministerial representation includes:

  • Vladimir Kavarić, Minister of Economy, Montenegro
  • Dr. Konrad Mizzi, Minister for Energy & Water Conservation, Republic of Malta
  • H.E Mr Fotis Fotiou, Minister of Defence, Cyprus
  • Alen Leveric, Deputy Minister of Economy, Croatia
  • Vladan Dubljević, Deputy Minister for Mining and Geological Researches, Montenegro

The East Mediterranean alone is forecast to have in excess of 300 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered gas and Global Offshore Technology will provide a platform for all those involved in the global oil and gas sector, both those interested in the exploration prospects as well as those looking at Cyprus to provide a strategically located hub for their business interests throughout the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Far East.

Session topics include; Ministerial Address, Mediterranean Offshore Opportunities, Mediterranean Prospects, Gas to Market, Adriatic Oil & Gas Spotlight, Servicing the Industry, Risks and Future Scenarios, Local Content – Sourcing Skills.

The latest programmespeakers list and exhibition floor plan are available on the website. 


Event Website:

Press Contact: Rosie Topp + 44 20 3488 11 93

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